
I am Willing

People ask me how do I sell so many of my paintings. For perspective there are quite a few paintings I haven't sold and I don't sell all the time but if I was to pinpoint one thing that seems to be important in this process of selling and sharing my art with others, it would be this:

I keep showing up even when it's uncomfortable.

The person you see on FB and through various social media is real, but with that willingness to keep showing up and shine my light and share my gifts comes a struggle and battle within. Each step I take forward comes with a fear of not being accepted, of being misunderstood or not liked.   Just like anyone else I'm afraid of rejection, afraid of being on the outs, not included, not welcomed. It is a deep wound I actively work on everyday, to not assume that I am not worthy and valuable in the world. For so long it was my natural assumption after being raised by a mother who treated me as if I was not worthy of love and connection.

The voice from childhood says,  who are you to..sell your paintings, teach classes, have a group just for your art, go to Italy, be happy, be beautiful, be safe, to be seen, to be okay.

The moves I make in my life and business really come down to a willingness to keep showing up even when I'm uncomfortable, even when every move I make is made with that voice at times trying to pull me down into the safety of isolation and being hidden. 

The truth is there is a lot of discomfort coupled with joy and excitement every time I put my heart on the canvas and share it with others. But I'm willing, because I'm worth it, the work is worth it, what I am doing is way beyond me. Who I am not to do it?

And there is this beautiful inexplicable delight in watching something take form, not know why or how or where it came from and then to have someone confirm it is indeed theirs and was meant for them.

With my courses, I am reminded over and over how online experiences with other women all lifting each other up and with focused guidance and invitations into a deeper knowing, lives can been impacted in beautiful and profound ways.

If Spirit is working through me, my art, my writing, my courses, who am I not to show up. And so..

I am willing not to be liked,

I am willing to be seen.

I am willing to be misunderstood.

I am willing to be uncomfortable.

I am willing to serve.

I am willing to own my right to be here.

I am willing to shine my light, to remain open even when it's scary.

I am willing to say yes to my life and all of the infinite possibilities within this one life I have been given.

I am willing to repeatedly let go of the old voice and listen to my higher self.

I am willing and ready to wrap myself in the joy of living.

Are you willing to show up, to be seen, to share your gifts with your world even if it is uncomfortable, even if your voice shakes and your knees knock?

I hope so, because the world needs you. We need your voice, your gift, and the beauty of your existence. 


To join us for the next Journey of Yes Thursday, October 15th click here